How to avoid call spoofing for free (on Android)
Probably, it has already happened to you as well. Your phone rings, you look at a display, and you can’t believe your own eyes. Since...
Free Protection Against Unwanted Calls
Probably, it has already happened to you as well. Your phone rings, you look at a display, and you can’t believe your own eyes. Since...
Have you been ever wondering if you only could stop robocalls and spam for good? In fact, there’s one method how to do it.
Do you tend to be easily tricked by scammers? According to experts, it’s surprisingly easy to tell. Read on.
Dealing with spammers can be simple. In case you really know how to say your “good bye” loud and clear.
Robocalls? No matter how annoying they are, there’s one thing you have to admit. Nowadays, with an effective spam blocker it’s becoming easier to get...
Do you believe you can tell a scam call from a legitimate telemarketing offer? Well, you probably can’t.
Do you believe you can resist all those telemarketing offers out here? Well, you probably can’t. Read about telemarketers’ methods that convince you to buy...
Statistically, every 7th call you received in 2018 was a spam or a fraud call. And it will get worse. The experts say that almost...
FCC (“Do not call me”) registry is unavailable, are we protected? Well, this is mainly for us living in the USA. As published on January 2,...
Tired of all those pre-recorded calls about how many trips you’ve won or what car insurance do you need? Read this.